Complex Commercial Litigation


Sheridan Ross represents companies through the battles that matter most to their business.  Disputes with competitors, security holders, shareholders, infringers, governmental entities, or former executives can be both disruptive and essential to our client’s success.   Companies from around the globe continually turn to Sheridan Ross to lead effective and aggressive litigation strategies that blend both business and the law.

In an increasingly complex global business environment, our clients rarely face challenges that call upon one legal discipline.  Our team of trial lawyers handles matters involving a blend of legal issues that range from securities fraud, anti-competitive conduct, financial fraud, anti-trust, theft of intellectual property, and trade secret misappropriation.  We also help clients handle government investigations on a variety of issues involving environmental, financial, and human health regulations.  When litigation happens, Sheridan Ross uses its vast experience in these areas of business and the law to help our clients protect their business.

Complex commercial litigation often implicates all phases of your business. Ideally, you want trial lawyers with proper perspective and experience, allowing them to see the business landscape and draw upon various aspects of the law to define a route to success.   Sheridan Ross regularly assists clients by calling upon their experience in the following areas:

Securities Fraud                                            Anti-Competitive Conduct
False Advertising                                           Anti-Trust
Government Relations                                  Financial Fraud
Competitor Misconduct                                 C-Suite Misconduct
Trade Secret Misappropriation                      Theft of IP
Product Defect and Liability                           Manufacturer Misconduct

Sheridan Ross appears in courts across the country, both state and Federal.  We manage litigation in other countries and appear before international arbitration panels when the situation requires it.  Often, it is necessary for our team to appear before governmental agencies and administrative judges in order to best resolve the problems of the day.  We build our team based upon your needs, drawing from our deep bench as well as our relationships with specialists.   While our goal is always to resolve cases as quickly as is reasonable, we have handled cases from start through appearances before the Supreme Court of the United States.

  • Injunction hearings
  • Motions to Stay
  • Summary judgment hearings
  • Evidentiary hearings to exclude opposing experts
  • Jury trials
  • Post-trial motions practice
  • Appeals to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
  • Appeals to the Supreme Court of the United States
  • Amicus Briefs

Sheridan Ross can provide you with a full view of the risks and benefits of litigation, a likely cost associated with the representation, and the options available to help you reach a resolution. Every case is unique, just like every client’s goals. We work with you, in conjunction with our experience, to tackle the case strategically and decisively. In the end, our team has the courage to march into battle to protect your business, and the respect, wisdom, and creativity to help you resolve cases efficiently.

Sheridan Ross’ team is here to serve. If you have any questions about our legal services, contact our law firm for more information. We look forward to analyzing your particular case and finding solutions that work for you.


Practice Group Leader

Our Professionals

Sheridan Ross attorneys serve as outside general counsel to various technology, healthcare, and hospitality companies in the United States, South America, Asia, and Africa. Regardless of whether our clients keep in-house counsel, companies often turn to us for critical general counsel services such as business development, legal strategy, regulatory direction, contract review, and retention of legal experts when unique issues require a deeper level of expertise.


Our attorneys invest time and energy learning about our clients, the challenges they face, and the fundamentals of their success. Because we are truly devoted to your long-term success, we pay attention to what matters most to you by learning your industry and anticipating the challenges you may face. We look forward to every opportunity to move you closer to your goals.

To that end, the Sheridan Ross team attends trade shows, joins trade organizations, and networks with others in the field to provide a three-dimensional service. For example, we joined the Specialty Equipment Manufacturers Association, the Western Health Alliance, and the Colorado Bio-Science Association along with many clients so that we could become fully immersed with the industries we serve. We endeavor to be more than members in these associations, aiming for leadership positions to help our clients in the courtrooms, boardrooms, showrooms, and patient rooms where they show up to work each day.

Practice Group Leaders

Our Professionals

Sheridan Ross has the first-chair trial experience to guide any person or company through the complexities of a jury trial or trial before a judge. Our trial lawyers have tried cases involving securities fraud, patent infringement, trademark infringement, trade secret misappropriation, anti-competitive conduct, anti-trust issues, product defect, professional liability, tortious interference, shareholder and derivative disputes, and other areas of complex business concepts and principles.  It is important to be able to tell your story to the jury – no matter how complex – so that you have the best chance of success.  Success takes many forms, and we work with each client to define and achieve their goals through skillful courtroom advocacy and thoughtful relations with the opposing counsel.

In the end, clients want a trial lawyer who can walk into any courtroom and tell a compelling narrative that will persuade a jury to its favor. We are always several steps ahead, preparing clients for all eventualities, particularly when the other side is unwilling to resolve the case on our clients’ terms.

Our team has been designated as lead trial counsel for over a dozen technology, healthcare, and hospitality companies. We have handled over a thousand civil disputes and tried over several dozen matters to verdict. Our trial and litigation experience broadly encompass three areas:

  • Business disputes involving patents, trademarks, copyrights, anti-competitive conduct, anti-trust violations, false advertising, trade secrets, Lanham Act violations, bad faith, and breach of contract;
  • Defense of catastrophic injury disputes filed by customers or patients where the injury is allegedly caused by an automotive product, a medical device, a licensed professional, a recreational activity, or a client’s business operations; and
  • Last-minute litigation with a client who aims to try a case within a few days or weeks. In every instance, our team has emerged from the trial with either the desired result or one that exceeded the client’s expectations.

Regardless of where ligation happens —  state, federal, and appellate courts around the country — Sheridan Ross will be there to help. Our team has a depth of experiencing handling matters throughout venues in the United States, and where appropriate, we partner with respected local attorneys to ensure that local customs and practices are infused into your legal representation.

From our strategic headquarters in the Rocky Mountains, we have successfully represented clients in courts based in Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming. We have also handled appeals to the Supreme Court of the United States, the Arizona Supreme Court, the Colorado Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals of the Federal Circuit, and the Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit.

Sheridan Ross also offers expert witness services and has served as an expert in patent cases involving claims for attorney fees. Finally, our legal team offers trial consulting in the form of focus groups, mock jury trials, and trial strategy services.

Practice Group Leaders

Our Professionals

Sheridan Ross excels at helping clients navigate multi-faceted, sensitive and high stakes securities matters. Our attorneys have represented both public and private companies of all sizes, as well as individual directors, underwriters, venture funds, and other parties facing securities and related-shareholder lawsuits, and our focus in these matters is to identify a quick resolution that minimizes exposure and long-term impacts.

Our clients represent a variety of industries, including automotive, consumer electronics, SaaS, health care, hospitality, medical products, Our attorneys leverage their in-depth technical and legal knowledge to achieve the best outcomes for our clients.

Our attorneys also have a depth of experience handling related litigation, including mergers and acquisitions disputes, breach of contract and breach of fiduciary duty matters, and government enforcement actions.

Practice Group Leaders

Our Professionals

We understand that in today’s e-commerce dominated marketplace, protecting your place in the market is paramount to your business’ success, so the attorneys at Sheridan Ross have a depth of experience handling all aspects of anti-competition litigation.

For example, we regularly representing inventors and companies who need to claim e-commerce territory when a competitor or counterfeiter introduces a copycat product. We understand that speed is imperative so that you won’t lose business, or footing, in the marketplace. If a competitor or counterfeiter steals your idea, design, or other intellectual property, we can help. Our goal is to force your competitor to stop profiting from your work and to repay you for the losses you’ve faced because of their unacceptable behavior.

Likewise, when someone claims you’ve stolen their intellectual property or otherwise infringed upon their rights, you need to take steps to protect your reputation and your earnings. Our team is poised to help tell your side of the story and keep your products or intellectual property in the stream of commerce. We can help.

Product Issues

At Sheridan Ross, we understand the time, creativity, effort, and dedication that goes into every product you bring into the world and every advancement and adjustment you make. We are here to make sure your products are protected from your competitors, whether you’re just putting your idea together or you’ve already been showing it off. Having the right intellectual property protections in place is essential to safeguarding your business from knockoffs.

Packaging Issues 

Product packaging is a minefield of issues that can derail any successful product. We help clients vet their packaging for copyright and trademark issues as well as regulatory requirements imposed by state or federal agencies. We also help to avoid claims for false advertising.  Your competitors have the same issues, and we can help disrupt your competitor’s success if their packaging offends your copyrights, trademarks or your right to prevent anti-competitive conduct.

Amazon Neutral Patent Evaluation and Policing Amazon

Amazon has created the top eCommerce marketplace for the sale of products direct to consumers. While historically a haven for the sale of infringing products, Amazon has recently implemented a number of powerful tools that we can use to police infringers and remove them from Amazon. Conversely, you may find yourself defending against an allegation that you are selling infringing products on Amazon.  We have good experience with the new Amazon Neutral Patent Evaluation. The Sheridan Ross team has a strong understanding of this ever-evolving market and how to best use it to your advantage and keep others from copying your product listings.

Practice Group Leaders

Our Professionals

In many cases, technology is the lifeblood of your business. Sustained market success is driven by elegant design, sound marketing, quality manufacturing, strong distribution channels, and a sophisticated legal strategy that protects your technology from unfair competition. Every successful venture depends upon a robust intellectual property portfolio backed by a trial firm that can enforce your portfolio and defend your products.

Sheridan Ross works with companies across the globe to protect and enforce their products and services.  From startup technology companies to established market leaders, our attorneys work with company executives to define a strategy that suits their particular business.  Our diverse client base offers a variety of creative works and products in areas such as automotive parts, medical devices, consumer electronics, cameras, computer software, mobile applications, life sciences, and remote sensing systems.

We help our clients formulate a cohesive, multi-dimensional protection plan for their intellectual property including design patents, utility patents, trademarks, trade dress, and copyrights.
We also help our clients avoid litigation.  When our clients encounter a competitor’s intellectual property, either by cease and desist letter or a pre-market freedom to operate opinion, we help them navigate the many options that will allow them to stay competitive.

Sheridan Ross goes the extra step to learn your technology and how your business fits into your broader industry. We join trade organizations, attend trade shows, and subscribe to trade magazines—all to build a strong understanding of the technology itself and the business challenges you face in your particular market.

Healthcare providers must continuously innovate their industry to survive and serve the growing healthcare needs in their communities. It can be a constant challenge to deliver multidisciplinary care in the face of complex regulations, limited financial resources, malpractice claims, and the hurdles involved in building and maintaining infrastructure and talent. With the right approach to management, joint ventures, physician integration, public-private partnerships, and regulatory schemes, providers can become key proponents of healthcare within their communities.

Sheridan Ross works with physician groups, critical access hospitals, health clinics, extended care facilities, and community hospitals to define corporate and regulatory strategies that will help them thrive. We have assisted clients with the formation of accountable care organizations, Stark compliance, corporate governance, clinical practice standards, peer review committees, physician practice mergers, and hospital/physician practice integration. We also partner with cyber security experts to help clients troubleshoot the pitfalls associated with the storage and protection of personal health information.

For nearly twenty years, our team has represented the healthcare profession in cases filed by patients. We have defended physicians, nurses, physician assistants, CRNAs, and hospitals in cases involving traumatic brain injury, wrongful death, and catastrophic losses. We have worked in the area of anesthesia, family medicine, obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, neurology, neurosurgery, radiology, oncology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, gastroenterology, surgery, emergency medicine, flight medicine, intensive care, cardiology, and pulmonology. We have successfully defended cases before juries in Colorado and Arizona.

Sheridan Ross is dedicated to the defense of hospitality providers in the United States and around the globe. We have produced unprecedented results for our clients through a consistent, robust, aggressive, and intelligent defense strategy. Hospitality providers are regularly challenged by the market to offer more services and recreational activities. Sound risk management, intelligent incident response, and a stout defense strategy are critical to ensuring that new offerings do not detract from their business, core values, or the customer experience. We partner with national and international hospitality companies to protect its clients’ business by offering:

  • Litigation audits in advance of an acquisition
  • Risk management policy review and recommendations
  • Incident response in the event of major personal injury or property loss
  • Claims management strategies that work to drive down claims
  • Litigation and trial services in courts around the country

Sheridan Ross represents hotels, resorts, recreational providers, outfitters, global touring companies, and medical repatriation companies that serve the hospitality industry. We help our clients identify matters that should be resolved immediately and those that should be defended. In the end, our profound knowledge of the hospitality industry allows us to educate the courts about your business and prepare a narrative that compels a favorable result for your company.

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