John Brice

Patent Agent

Contact info

(303) 764-3047
[email protected]

Contact info

(303) 764-3047
[email protected]

John Brice is a registered patent agent with experience in the general areas of electrical engineering, applied communication, and geographic information systems. His work focuses on all aspects of domestic and foreign patent prosecution from due diligence searches through prosecution and post-grant reviews. John excels at helping clients create and implement comprehensive protection strategies tailored to their particular needs.

John’s experience includes work on complex electrical and software technologies including telephony, RFID, access control, semiconductors, optics, Artificial Intelligence, communication networks, communication protocols, encryption, web-based technologies, information storage systems, and feedback and control systems. Before joining the law firm, John worked as a research assistant with the Colorado School of Mines Physics Department, where he conducted research on biophysics and microbiology projects.

John obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Colorado School of Mines. His undergraduate degree, which was earned with honors, is in Engineering Physics with a minor in Computational and Applied Mathematics. John’s senior design project was on Protein Purification and Biopolymer Synthesis.

Colorado School of Mines (M.S., Electrical Engineering)
Colorado School of Mines (B.S., Engineering Physics)

  • Patent Office Post Grant Proceedings
  • Patent Prosecution
  • Patent Search Services
  • Computer Hardware & Software
  • Electrical Engineering

U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, 2020